What you likely experience as a leader in your business

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Leadership is lonely

As a leader, do you sometimes feel alone, or have moments of loneliness? This is quite normal and happens to most effective leaders at various times in their career.

There are several aspects to these feelings of loneliness:

This probably all sounds quite familiar.

We provide a safe space for leaders. It is where you can be completely vulnerable about your dreams, challenges, doubts, aspirations, plans, conflicts, developmental needs, fears, and your vision for the company which you lead.
We are there to support and facilitate you so that you can get clarity and resolve these issues. Vulnerability is possible because we protect your confidentiality. Nothing leaves our safe, non judgmental, coaching sessions. 

Resources are scarce

Business leaders will be familiar with the term the ‘war for talent’. Its impact is well known but it is increasingly prevalent and relevant since Covid, across all industries. In addition, employees are experiencing the benefits of less commuting, and flexibility in their working hours. This situation puts additional pressure on owners and leaders, requiring them to respond accordingly.

Ageing population is another well known term, highlighting the 1970’s position of 15 workers to every retiree, to a future of 5 workers for every retiree by 2050.

As coaches, we have all worked across multiple industries and understand these resource issues, and their impact on growth and stability. We help you grapple with these concerns and address them with the practical solutions you need.

You know there are things you don't know

Leaders who are self aware will acknowledge (at least to themselves) that there are numerous aspects of business, skills or leadership, or a deeper understanding of themselves and their company which require further work and development.

This well-known model below refers to the traditional steps of learning. Consider, for example, step 2 in which a person is consciously incompetent, or they know what they don’t know – a positive way of viewing the scenario is that awareness is half the solution. Partnering with a business coach will help you explore the areas you want to know about. This applies specifically to stage 5 – a recent contribution to the model – Coaching assists and allows you the opportunity to reflect on what you know and do and start dissecting how you can educate those who work for you. This is the educator’s stage. It requires a return to consciousness so you get to know and understand ‘how you do and what you do’. It is an opportunity to reflect on how you manage ‘do’ (certain) things so well, then unpick your strategies so you can teach them to others.

The 5 Levels of Learning

StageLevel of learningExplanation
1Unconscious incompetence"I don't know that I don't know"
2Conscious incompetence"I know that I do don't know" (and want to improve)
3Conscious competence"I know how to do it, but I have to concentrate on my task"
4Unconscious competence"I can do it with ease and habitually"
5Conscious unconscious competence"I can explain how I do it with ease to others"

Problems are infinite

As a leader of a business, you recognise that problems and ongoing challenges are synonymous with running a business. You probably agree that without these challenges you would most likely not be experiencing growth.

A business coach acts as a partner and guide so that you do not have to solve these issues on your own. The coach’s role is not to offer you the solutions but rather to ask precise and articulate questions. This facilitates your thinking and helps you find ways to resolve your situations in a manner that is appropriate to you and the context in which you find yourself. By applying the process of asking and exploring, which will likely push you outside your comfort zone, you will develop personal and leadership growth. This will equip you to work through current and future issues.

In an unregulated (coaching) industry, choosing a qualified professional is challenging

In the current unregulated Australian coaching profession, anyone can buy a coaching franchise, enrol on weekend or ‘several months’ coaching programs, or acquire some level of accreditation from one of numerous coaching organisations. They then have the right to call themselves qualified business coaches.

At Business Coaching Sydney every coach is highly qualified and uses a coaching methodology which is evidence-based and has been rigorously used and tested with leaders across Australia and the globe, in multiple industry sectors.

The inability to continuously work 'on' the business

The adage is that we need to work ‘on’ our business instead of ‘in’ our business. Simply stated, working on the business is strategic in nature and typically focuses on visualising, strategising, planning and reviewing. Working in the business is generally operational and\or tactical in nature and tends to refer to execution and implementation.



After two rewarding decades in high finance, where as Treasurer and MD for Société Générale Australia I managed a $50 billion balance sheet, a desire to focus on helping others within business motivated me to undertake a Master of Business Coaching.

I went on to establish Game Changer Consulting – a coaching and consulting services business that draws on evidence based coaching process to improve individual, team and business performance. This morphed into Business Coach Sydney, a partnership with other leading business coaches that offers a wide range of coaching experience within a single hub, capable of meeting all the needs of medium size businesses.

I have spent the past decade mentoring, consulting, and coaching businesses, from small to large, across numerous industries. I have seen, and know, how overwhelming and challenging managing a business is, specifically, when there are limited resources available to deal with unlimited issues.

As a business coach, I passionately believe that providing a sounding board and broadening perspective leads to insight and options for new strategies and behaviours, congruent with our own personal desires. A sense of being and feeling purposeful, energetic, and productive (PEP) makes obstacles surmountable, progress sustainable and goals achievable. My coaching aims to put the “pep” back in your step’.


Over 20 years in executive management

Financial markets, balance sheet and risk management expert

Business strategy, leadership development and team building

Personal productivity and wellbeing

Communications, people management, relationship coaching

Designations and Certifications

Realise2Practitioner Accreditation, Emotional Intelligence Worldwide

Process Communication Model, Parts 1 & 2, Wayne Pearce Advantage

Civil Marriage Celebrant

Lifeline Crisis Counsellor


MSc Business Coaching, University of Wollongong

MBA, Southern Cross University

Bachelor of Business, University of South Australia

Peter Cheel

Peter Cheel The Business Coach
Peter is a Business Coach, Facilitator and Consultant with significant experience, working at and with different levels of leadership in Australasia, Africa and Europe.

Peter passionately believes in the power of business coaching to optimize and positively impact leaders, such that their organisations realize a positive return on investment. Peter firmly believes that leadership drives culture and culture drives performance.

From start-ups to NFP’s to complex global entities, Peter has led and supported senior leadership teams; developing strategy, driving growth, organisational change and sustainable performance.

Prior to Sydney Business Coach Peter worked as a CEO in the Not-for-Profit Sector and as a commercial Human Resources Director in the following sectors: Pharmaceuticals, IT & Telecommunications, Outsourcing, Global Logistics and Petroleum.


Business Coaching

Career Transition Coaching

Retirement Coaching

Leadership Team Alignment Consultation and Facilitation

Business Planning Consultation and Facilitation

Designations and Certifications

Hogan Personality Assessments (HPI; HDS; MVPI; HBRI)

Hogan 360 feedback

Resilience at Work (RAW)

TLC: The Leadership Circle

Member: USCMA

Member: IOC


MSc, Coaching Psychology, University of Sydney

Bachelor of Arts (double major: Psych, Sociology), UNISA

Advanced Diploma HRM, IPM

Advanced Diploma OD, IPM